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Showing posts from September, 2011


"We're in a relationship but we're not.I mean when we together, we're together but when we're apart, we're apart. We do us." See that makes no sense to me. If you can not or will not acknowledge your partner except when the two of y'all are together privately how is that considered a partnership/relationship? I understand it ain't everybody business but seriously that is a cop out to justify your insecurities to why y'all ain't really a y'all. It should not be acceptable for your PARTNER to go publicly and deny being in a relationship then privately say to you, "We know what it is." When the partner who wants public acknowledgment has a private affair with someone else, are they in the wrong???

Writer's Block

I've been away for... Quite some time. Partially becuz I wasn't sure what to write about. Partially becuz I have upset people with my words. This is my blog. I don't use others names. Well I rarely use them. Personal pictures are those I've taken with my own personal phone/camera making them my personal property & if they were sent to me I ask permission. I can't please everyone. That is why this is MY blog. I aim to please me... So with that being said I have some thoughts brewing ;)