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Showing posts from December, 2011

Black Christmas

Maybe it's because I'm not a parent. Maybe because I'm a pisces living in a fantasy world. Maybe because I'm not materialistic. Maybe idk the maybe but I don't get stressed or depressed or broke over trying to provide the perfect Christmas. I recall making gingerbread houses with my mom, sister, cousins, and a few friends. Baking cookies for Santa... and ourselves lol. Dressing my doll baby, that I got the Christmas I turned 6 (& still have), in my bro's christening outfit and putting her under the tree. Waking up in the morning to so many gifts. Honestly I only remember asking for a specific gift, not from Santa but from my dad, Tickle Me Elmo when I was 9. I didn't get it but Santa, my mom, and my aunts and uncles got me so many gifts I still had an enjoyable holiday. [My dad lived in Georgia, I lived in Indiana I don't know how him and mom went about finances] Anyways, I don't grasp the concept of buying a bunch of video games or adult elec...