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Showing posts from May, 2011


Sitting here in the middle of a VERY heated disagreement about ... well actually idk what I just know that the statement was made that in general I am an impatient person. I admit I have proudly quoted Jay-Z "I got no patience And I hate waitin" but as I think more about it I disagree with that. My reasonings being that I know that there are 24 hours in a day. I like to have 6-8 hours of sleep. Which now leaves me with 16-18 hours. I currently clock in 3 hours at one location and 4 hours at another which is another 7 hours. So I now have 10 hours left to eat,shit,be social, watch tv, have sex, run errands, whatever. There is a 30 minute drive from home to my job so now I have 9 hours left to eat,shit,be social, watch tv, have sex, run errands, whatever. I try to be home getting ready for bed around midnight and tend to wake up round 6:30. If someone says they want to do something within those 24hours in a day but tell me at a certain time and show up later without notify me...