2. Date: a social appointment, engagement, or occasion arranged beforehand with another person
3. Sex: the act carried out for procreation or for pleasure
4. Love: strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for anything; a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection
5. Girlfriend: a frequent or favorite female companion
6. Boyfriend: a frequent or favorite male companion
7. Partner: a person who shares or is associated with another in some action or endeavor
8. Woman: a female lover
9. Man: a male lover
10. Lover: a person who is in love with another and has a sexual or romantic relationship with them
11. Commitment: a promise of engaging oneself
12. Dating (courting): to try to win the favor/to seek the affections of
13. Engagement: to secure the attentions of
14. Romance: treat with ardor or chivalrousness
15. Ardor: passion or intense devotion
16. Chivalry: qualities such as courtesy and courage
17. Courtesy: showing of politeness in one’s attitude & behavior
18. Faithful: reliable or steady in affection
19. Affection: a tender feeling toward another