I have a weird living arrangement. I can't even go into detail it about because quite frankly I don't know/understand it. Technically the place is in his name but it's been "our" home for 3 years now (well 1 if u go by the time I updated my license).
Somehow I went from a live in lover to a maid. I cook 99% of all cooedk meals we &/our guest eat. I CLEAN the house. (He vacuums the hell out of it tho & every now and again he puts a shine on the porcelain in our (aka HIS) bathroom. 😆)
What sparked this post was the fact that I ran a sink of dish water to wash a few dishes before bed but before I knew it, it was 2 am & I was borderline tide and they weren't clean. Then I thought about the dishwasher needing to be started. Instead of asking him, I figured I'll just get up a little earlier to knock those things out. Let him tell it EYE (I) leave a mess in about 3 rooms in the house compared to him in 1. (Not true but I'm not about to get into that)
I'm the only one cook. Then I'm the only one clean the kitchen. He doesn't even know where half the dishes go!!! Plus I have to live in two different bathrooms and two different bedrooms. I still have clothes and belongs in boxes!!! So I've half way moved in. I hate being all over the place. I can't even move things the way I want them so that they benefit me best. I just want a clean fresh slate.
Anyways, I'm writing here cuz I long since got away from calming my mind & body enough to sit and write in my diary. I am also tired of saying "I'm tired, I need a lighter load." I'm gonna use this as a conversation piece though. Cuz I gotta be heard. I can't continue like this.