Books b4 Boys Because Bankrolls Buy Benzos! Not trying to downplay ya’ll but my goal is not to be a baby mama but an educated lady. I notice how guys crank their radio up when Webbie or Ne-Yo mentions an independent chick and everyone knows that Boys Bustin Brings Babies. So how can I be the woman of your dreams if I let you hit and leave? Like that new BMW on the lot my value depreciates once you get in and take a ride. I want to be the lead lady in your life. We young what’s the rush? Close your eyes and imagine your ideal wifey type. Is it just me being me thinking that you envision a female Diddy, making moves and money, looking good on your arms when she accompany you to your meetings and public outings? Or do you really see a chick like So Hood, got you looking like a fool even in the ‘hood? You ain’t got to lie cause I already made up my mind. In the end the truth is in the saying, “A MAN is only as GREAT as the WOMAN BEHIND him”. So you can choose what kind of lady you want to represent you but just know I live by them 7B’s!
Realizin Obvious BS Leavin Is Satisfyin Aint It Kuz ii Don't See how far things will go w/o changin Jus Actin Now U Ain't Ready Yet to grow up & accept the reality rii in front of u Maybe A Recess Can Help put things in prospective Me And You and others Are Puttin Rlly Intense Limits on the great possibilities of accomplishments tht can be achieved Makin Other Nonsense Tremendous And Necessary Although it isn't Don't Even See It do u? Tellin All Responsive Audiences who are willin to listen & agree becauz Straight Accecptin Shit Hasn't Appealed 2 u You Exempt Logic Livin A Great Imaginary Retarded Life Although Just about no one understands it not even u Please Realize Everyone Considered It(life) Opposing Ur Selfish ass but felt sorry for u @ the same time Keepin ur Ego Is Staggerin How Accurate ur view is Recognize Our Beautiful Eternity Remains Taboo